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New Drug May Treat Brain Injuries As Well As MS, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

The new drug, MW151 and MW189, is expected to reduce inflammation in the brain. Neuroinflammation is increasingly believed to play a major role in the diseases of Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and dementia as well as brain injuries and strokes. Besides preventing the development of these neurological diseases, it is believed it will reduce the neurological damage caused by closed head traumatic injuries and strokes especially if introduced within a certain time period.

These two drugs are believed to prevent the damaging overproduction of brain proteins which contribute to the development of degenerative neurological diseases as well as the neurological damage caused by brain injuries and strokes. Studies indicate that it will protect against the damage associated with learning and memory deficiencies as well as other cognitive impairments.

The therapy time window, however, is considered critical. A Study indicated the best time for the drug to be given someone with a brain injury or stroke is three to six hours following the injury. By doing so, it could possibly prevent future problems such as cognitive impairments or the risk of epileptic seizures.

Studies have shown that by giving the drug, a pill taken orally, before symptoms become readily apparent, in the case of Alzheimer’s Parkinson’s or Multiple Sclerosis, may be a promising therapeutic strategy for these neurodegenerative diseases. It is considered to be a preventative drug when given during the early stages of a neurological disease before the disease progresses. If taken in the early to middle stages, it will help to reduce inflammation.

The first human Phase I clinical trial has been done on the drug and it has been found to be safe in humans. They are now waiting for funding to begin further clinical trials. Those working with the drug feel that it will best be used in combination with current therapies targeting neurodegenerative disorders, brain injuries and strokes.

The body has proven itself to have great repair mechanisms if given a chance. If a pill can control, prevent or reduce cognitive impairments, then the body has a chance to rebuild itself. This healing process can be done when obstacles have been removed from the body and mind. But it can also heal with determination and sometimes just because that’s what the body does. But with neurodegenerative diseases, etc. extra help with this drug will go a long way in warding off these debilitating diseases and eliminating the devastating results of head injuries.

It is thought that this drug will help many people in their fight against these neurodegenerative diseases, brain injuries and strokes saving many sufferers and families from hopelessness and despair.

By Sylvia Behnish

Ms. Behnish has published a non-fiction book entitled ‘Rollercoaster Ride With Brain Injury (For Loved Ones)’ a book about the first difficult year following an injury, ‘His Sins’, a three generation family saga about the effect of the actions of one person on future generations, and ‘Life’s Chalenges, A Short Story Collection’ including twenty-one stories.

She has also had numerous articles published in magazines, newspapers and online on the subjects of brain injury, family issues, motivational topics and travel.

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