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Multiple Brain Injuries Compound Already Existing Problems

Brain Injuries Category Brain Injuries

By Sylvia Behnish

Following medical recovery after an injury, there should be rehabilitation to assist in learning the use of adaptive strategies and in applying skills to solve problems. The recovery process can only be measured individually because of the brain’s complexity and because no two injuries are the same. This is because each person has a different personality and way of coping, etc. The difficulties resulting from a head injury and the subsequent deficit symptoms could continue for years following such an injury. Follow-up rehabilitation puts the focus on replacing skills and functions that have been lost by working on the deficits. Rehabilitation sometimes may need to be extended for years beyond the initial injury.

Most brain injuries affect more than one aspect of brain-based functions. Subsequent injuries can emphasize any lingering deficits from the initial injury and also may increase the risk of long-term damage that affects personality and cognitive abilities. This can accentuate the problems for not only the victim but for his/her family and the community at large.

A Bill passed recently in the United States was implemented mainly to help young athletes and to increase the awareness of the short and the long-term impact of brain injuries and concussions.

Although it was initially passed with athletes in mind, perhaps it should be used with military personnel who have been involved in combat as well. It has recently come to light that the soldier suspected of shooting sixteen civilians in Afghanistan recently had suffered more than one injury while in Iraq, possibly as many as three. In interviews with family, friends and neighbors, there is every indication that this soldier had displayed no tendencies towards aggression or violence prior to his injuries.

Studies indicate that injuries such as these change personalities, especially if post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been part of the problem too. So is it any wonder that with multiple concussions or head injuries there is an increasing potential for depression, aggression and violence? Are those in the military properly assessed following a head injury? Are they being given rehabilitation and a proper amount of time to recover before they are sent out on another tour of duty?

Studies also indicate that even those with a mild brain injury can have psychological problems such as depression and anxiety, and substance abuse and alcoholism. Then when post traumatic stress disorder is in addition to a head injury, the psychological abilities to respond to issues created by the injury will be further impacted.

When we see a tragedy such as the needless killing of civilians happen, it increases the importance of ensuring that there is full recovery and rehabilitation following a head injury. And also that proper assessment be done not only to determine the injury, and any subsequent injuries, but also to assess the possibility of post traumatic stress disorder being a factor.

Sylvia Behnish has written numerous articles relating to family issues, motivational topics, entertaining, travel and brain injuries.

For more information on any of these topics, go to her site listed below. She has recently published her first non-fiction book entitled “Rollercoaster Ride With Brain Injury (For Loved Ones)” and her first fiction novel entitled “His Sins”, a three generation family saga.

Either of the above books can be ordered by e-mail at the following blog:

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