There is no denying stroke survivors have a lot to deal with as they go through the rehabilitation process and learn to live with physical limitations. Unfortunately, far too many people treat having a stroke as a sign they can no longer enjoy physical activities. For stroke survivor’s who love to play golf, those so-called physical limitations aren’t as pronounced as one would imagine.
Playing Golf Again is a Real Possibility
Except in the worst of cases, the only thing that keeps most stroke survivors from getting back onto the golf course is the assumption they can’t do it. That assumption is wrong in so many ways. Will their golf game be as proficient as it was before the stroke? Probably not, but everything in life changes after medical trauma. The reality is golf courses aren’t going anywhere and any golfer who wants to golf belongs on the golf course. That includes stoke victims who love the game.
It only takes three things to make it happen. First, the person affected by the stroke has to believe they can do it. Second, they need to accept certain limitations and learn to play within themselves. Finally, the stroke victim needs to minimize expectations and maximize the joy that comes from being out on a golf course instead of laying in a bed feeling disabled.
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The Benefits of Golfing for Stroke Survivors
The benefits of being able to return to the golf course will touch almost every aspect of the stroke survivor’s being. From a physical standpoint, they get the health benefits of fresh air and exercise. Doctor’s often encourage stroke victims to exercise their muscles and get the heart beating again. The walking and swinging of a club help to move all the right muscles and bring balance and coordination back.
As far as mental and emotional issues are concerned, there is nothing that revitalizes the spirit and soul more than overcoming impossible odds to achieve something important. If a golfer loves to golf, then learning to do it again under a different set of circumstances is an accomplishment that should bring a great sense of pride to a disabled golfer. In many cases, depression is actually a bigger threat to one’s well-being than another stroke. By going out there on the golf course and proving they are still a player, the afflicted individual won’t feel so afflicted anymore.
Finally, there is great value is participating in a social activity for a stroke survivor who has been hospitalized and/or confined to the home for a period of time. The chance to get out among friends and golfing buddies serves to make the person feel they are still a part of life here on this planet.
Exercises Designed to Make Golfing Easier for the Stroke Victim
While contemplating that first post-stroke round of golf, there are several exercises that can help reestablish stamina, balance and coordination. Walking is a must. Even cart riders will log distance during a round of golf. By getting out each day for a walk, it will improve endurance on the golf course. For balance and coordination, doctors recommend sitting on a stability ball but for those affected by stroke, a physical therapist should be close by unless one has progressed. By doing this exercise for just a few minutes everyday, one’s balance and ability to control their arms and legs will show marked improvement over time. A more sensible exercise at home would involve use of a chair. While the person affected by the stroke stands in a corner of a room, they hold on the back of the chair and practice moving hips forward and back and from side to side. This is also beneficial for strengthening the weakened side. If the survivor also has dropfoot which many stroke victims experience, a brace recommended by the persons doctor for safety. It can help immensely as even if a cart is used, as the walking can tire out the weakened leg quickly at times.
Making Golf Easier for Stroke Survivors
The golfing world is well-aware that some stroke victims love the game of golf. With that in mind, there are plenty of custom equipment designers who are more than happy to help design golf equipment that compliments a golfer’s disabilities. Another way golf is made easier for stroke victims is the process of making them feel normal. Disabled golfers are often reluctant to play golf with healthy people for fear of slowing the group down. First of all, golf is a game of courtesy and golfers tend to be very patient with those who might not be as skilled as the others in the group. That said, there are many golf courses that sponsor groups that have disabilities. By playing golf with other disabled golfers, the individual doesn’t feel it necessary to perform, only to enjoy the outing.
Golf is a great sport and activity. If you or someone you know has suffered a stroke and would still love to hit the links, by all means make it happen. With reasonable expectations, that first round of golf will feel like a rebirth of sorts, prompting the stroke victim to stop feeling like a victim and more as a winning survivor.
Watch free golf fitness and exercise videos online at the author’s website that target specific muscle groups used in your golf game, improving body motion or flexibility. These video tips, techniques, drills are from local and pro golf trainers, proven to improve aspects of your game and eliminating several bad golf playing habits.
Living After A Stroke or TBI Successfully and Helping families and loved ones understand care after a stroke or a brain injury, assisting the injured in rehabilitation and safety is a passion of the author, Leon Edward who has spent over three decades successfully living with effects as hemiparesis after traumatic brain injury being shot in the head and neck.
Persons and their families will benefit from the information on this site whether they have had a stroke, head injury as the author has, or other condition that caused partial or even full paralysis on one side of the body.
POST STROKE GOLF SUCCESS: Illustrated Preparation Guide with Exercises Stretches Tips (Life After Stroke or TBI , Living with Hemiparesis)
Paperback | Kindle ebook |
Successfully golfing after a stroke for fun and fitness is a real possibility with physical, mental and emotional benefits. Written not only for golfers with a desire to ‘enjoy living life again’ returning to golf and social interaction , but for stroke survivor golf newbies.
There is enough detail for professionals to reference in physical rehabilitation personalized exercise programs for their patients or clients.
Also written for the many golf professionals, amateurs or friends who know someone that misses the golfing experience or is missed.
Preparing for golfing physically starts with the basics, safety, core strength, walking (or mobility), balance with physical therapy exercises to enhance voluntary movement, increase range of motion, strengthen weakened muscles, improve fine motor skills and grasp (grip), increase postural stability and standing balance. Also adaptive golf equipment, wheel chair golf techniques and golf mindset.
Also, Detailed are the demands of golf on the body keeping in mind, stroke and the resulting impact on a person’s movement, coordination issues and how stroke changes your golf game.
Contents Included:(for detail see ‘Look Inside’ feature on Amazon)
- Benefits of Golfing After A Stroke
- How To Prepare for Returning to Golf – The Basics – Safety, Core Strength, Walking, Mobility, Balance
- Physical Therapy, Exercises for Golfing after a Stroke:
Regaining Lost Skills and Movement as Best as Possible - GOLF AND NORMAL BODY DEMANDS
- GOLF MINDSET and Report : Instructions on Golfing After a Stroke
- Adaptive Golf Equipment (for Stroke Survivors)
- How to Use Wheelchair Golf
- Conclusion
- About the Author Leon Edward
For Leon Edward, the past 35 years since his accident , coma , hemiparesis and rehab … left one lingering desire: the need to give something back, a way to provide something meaningful for the families and loved ones of patients who now, or in the future, will face the same painful disruption of their lives and the same long journey he had to undertake such a long time ago.
For Leon it has become an ingrained part of his existence to help others enjoy life after suffering serious injuries, health issues or disorders. For Leon the past 35 years left a lingering desire: the need to give something back, a way to provide something meaningful for people who will face a similar disruption of their lives possibly the loss of this ‘game’ and living life with friends fully.
Paperback | Kindle ebook |
Hemiparesis Living Care, Rehabilitation Recovery, Safety: Includes Care for living with : One Side Partial Paralysis or Muscle Weakness, Footdrop or Spasticity resulting from Head Injury or Stroke |
Home Care and Safety, Rehabilitation exercises,associated conditions, problem areas, treatment options, behavioral, emotional consequences, realistic goals, future expectations, resources, brain training and safety practices are covered. Safety and care at home of those affected is the primary focus. This book compiles researching current health care practices emphasizing safety with reviewing valuable lessons learned and studied in over 30 years since the author 'awoke' from a coma, revealing his own partial paralysis or hemiparesis and beginning the road back through rehabilitation and subsequent successful life an an engineer and self growth author |